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​DATA PROTECTION. In the framework of the GDPR, InValue is committed to transparency in the processing and protection of data transmitted via the form linking & requirements and data from the InValue Digital Area Services users. In the event of changes in the regulations and/or modification of the site, InValue's privacy policy may change and in this case the renewal of consent will be requested again.
ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT. The request to create an account is subject to the prior agreement of InValue. The Digital Area services are activated according to the access rights granted by InValue.
RESPONSIBILITY. InValue is released from any responsibility for the nature of the messages and documents received from third parties and has no obligation to answer.
PURPOSES. Customer and Partner relationship management.
TRANSMISSION OF DATA. The data collected is exclusively intended for InValue and is in no way transmitted to partners.
DATA STORAGE. The data collected via the form linking & requirements and the data collected within the Digital Area Services of the site are hosted on the platform. Wix provides control and security measures for the storage, transmission and transport of personal data.
THE DURATION OF THE CONVERSATION. InValue retains personal data for a period of 5 years, however you have a right of access (see below).
PERMISSION TO ACCESS. You have the right to access, rectify, erase, limit, oppose the processing and portability of data concerning you. You can exercise your rights by contacting InValue at the following email address: . The website informs you of your rights.

Consentement validé
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